Recently Updated Pages
Intro to VFX Modding
Series to help people learn VFX Modding through VFX Editor who have never done modding before. ...
(Dawntrail) Shader Reference Table
This page is a list of tables with explinations/annotations of how the New shaders in dawntrail w...
Scrolling Image Overlay for Gear Items
This guide is an expansion of the work done by Bacara, Cordia Qoet, Mimi, Nylfae, and Cultist fro...
Hi, I’m Khara! I am an affiliate of the Bimbo Boudoir and I have been in love with vanilla upscal...
Vanilla-Specific Testing Issues
When testing in game, there are a few things I check that I don’t always check on modded outfits....
Import Notes
This is not a tutorial on textools, nor am I going to tell you how BEST to import. Suffice to say...
Oops! I deleted the shape keys!
If you for whatever reason deleted your shape keys at any point during the upscaling process, now...
Separating Parts & Re-Adding Backfaces
If you were using the Marking as Seam method above, now is the time to select the seams and rip. ...
Differences Between Modded Upscaling & Vanilla Upscaling
I AM NOT EXPLAINING THE PROCESS OF UPSCALING COMPLETELY. Please use Zizi’s guides or other text ...
Marking as Sharp
After you’ve merged by distance, you’ll notice that a lot of edges will look distorted or particu...
Merging By Distance
Up until now, unlike in a normal upscale, we haven’t really done any sort of merging by distance....
Once you’ve prepared the coat by removing backfaces,I find this part pretty easy and self-explana...
Important Note
This guide assumes you know the 101 basics from Zizi’s videos/any other “how to upscale” tutorial...
Situational Issues
These are some issues I have had when separating by loose parts, that I will fix as I come across...
Separating by Loose Parts
Because I forgot I was making a guide, I started a different upscale in the time that passed betw...
Fixing Backfaces
Turn those backfaces on (using Viewport Overlays > "Face Orientation") and in anything more compl...
Fixing Unconventional Vanilla Parts
Opening the parts, you’ll notice that SE doesn’t always follow the 'traditional' modding conventi...
Import/Material Setup
Import the vanilla item of choice into Blender. I’m using the Ravel Keeper’s Chestpiece of Castin...
Material Colorsets (Dawntrail)
A general understanding of UV Maps and Exporting/Importing with Penumbra is assumed for this page...
Skirt Physics is one of my nemesis to say the least :T.Page under consutrction. Please look forwa...