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Import Notes
This is not a tutorial on textools, nor am I going to tell you how BEST to import. Suffice to say...
Oops! I deleted the shape keys!
If you for whatever reason deleted your shape keys at any point during the upscaling process, now...
Separating Parts & Re-Adding Backfaces
If you were using the Marking as Seam method above, now is the time to select the seams and rip. ...
Differences Between Modded Upscaling & Vanilla Upscaling
I AM NOT EXPLAINING THE PROCESS OF UPSCALING COMPLETELY. Please use Zizi’s guides or other text ...
Marking as Sharp
After you’ve merged by distance, you’ll notice that a lot of edges will look distorted or particu...
Merging By Distance
Up until now, unlike in a normal upscale, we haven’t really done any sort of merging by distance....
Once you’ve prepared the coat by removing backfaces,I find this part pretty easy and self-explana...
Important Note
This guide assumes you know the 101 basics from Zizi’s videos/any other “how to upscale” tutorial...
Situational Issues
These are some issues I have had when separating by loose parts, that I will fix as I come across...
Separating by Loose Parts
Because I forgot I was making a guide, I started a different upscale in the time that passed betw...
Fixing Backfaces
Turn those backfaces on (using Viewport Overlays > "Face Orientation") and in anything more compl...
Fixing Unconventional Vanilla Parts
Opening the parts, you’ll notice that SE doesn’t always follow the 'traditional' modding conventi...
Import/Material Setup
Import the vanilla item of choice into Blender. I’m using the Ravel Keeper’s Chestpiece of Castin...
Material Colorsets (Dawntrail)
A general understanding of UV Maps and Exporting/Importing with Penumbra is assumed for this page...
How to Determine MMD Scale
So say you're using a different MMD model and you don't know what scale to import it as.Import yo...
Open TextTools and change system state to unsafe (or transaction on, I havent worked with tr...
Open VFX edit by using the command /vfxbeta Find the pap section and click on the pap button ...
In the Load/Save section, in the PAP path field, click on the paper icon to locate your base/cl...
Mwni Retargeting
The process of retargeting with Mwni is very similar to chapter 3.A with some minor differences ...
Auto Rig Pro
Import/Append FFXIV model If you are importing your own FFXIV model, make sure to remember t...